Function CSSSpringEasing

  • Generates a string that represents a set of values used with the linear-easing function to replicate spring animations, you can check out the linear-easing playground here Or check out a demo on Codepen

    CSS Spring Easing has 4 properties they are easing (all spring frame functions are supported), numPoints (the size of the Array the frmae function should create), decimal (the number of decimal places of the values within said Array) and quality (how detailed/smooth the spring easing should be)..

    Properties Default Value
    easing spring(1, 100, 10, 0)
    numPoints 50
    decimal 3
    quality 0.85

    By default, CSS Spring Easing support easings in the form,

    constant accelerate decelerate accelerate-decelerate decelerate-accelerate
    spring / spring-in spring-out spring-in-out spring-out-in

    All Spring easing's can be configured using theses parameters,

    spring-*(mass, stiffness, damping, velocity)

    Each parameter comes with these defaults

    Parameter Default Value
    mass 1
    stiffness 100
    damping 10
    velocity 0


    import { CSSSpringEasing } from "spring-easing";

    // Note: this is the return value of {@link CSSSpringEasing}, you don't need the object to get this format
    let [easing, duration] = CSSSpringEasing({
    easing: "spring-out-in(1, 100, 10, 0)",

    // You can change the size of Array for the SpringEasing function to generate
    numPoints: 200,

    // The number of decimal places to round, final values in the generated Array
    // This option doesn't exist on {@link GenerateSpringFrames}
    decimal: 5,

    // How detailed/smooth the spring easing should be
    // 0 means not smooth at all (shorter easing string)
    // 1 means as smooth as possible (this means the resulting easing will be a longer string)
    quality: 0.85

    translate: ["0px", "250px"],
    rotate: ["0turn", "1turn", "0turn", "0.5turn"],
    }, {
    easing: `linear(${easing})`,

    // The optimal duration for this specific spring

    Note: You can also use custom easings if you so wish e.g.

    import { CSSSpringEasing, limit, registerEasingFunctions } from "spring-easing";

    bounce: t => {
    let pow2: number, b = 4;
    while (t < ((pow2 = Math.pow(2, --b)) - 1) / 11) { }
    return 1 / Math.pow(4, 3 - b) - 7.5625 * Math.pow((pow2 * 3 - 2) / 22 - t, 2);
    elastic: (t, params: number[] = []) => {
    let [amplitude = 1, period = 0.5] = params;
    const a = limit(amplitude, 1, 10);
    const p = limit(period, 0.1, 2);
    if (t === 0 || t === 1) return t;
    return -a *
    Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) *
    ((t - 1 - (p / (Math.PI * 2)) * Math.asin(1 / a)) * (Math.PI * 2)) / p

    CSSSpringEasing("bounce") // ["0, 0.013, 0.015, 0.006 8.1%, 0.046 13.5%, 0.06, 0.062, 0.054, 0.034, 0.003 27%, 0.122, 0.206 37.8%, 0.232, 0.246, 0.25, 0.242, 0.224, 0.194, 0.153 56.8%, 0.039 62.2%, 0.066 64.9%, 0.448 73%, 0.646, 0.801 83.8%, 0.862 86.5%, 0.95 91.9%, 0.978, 0.994, 1", ...]
    CSSSpringEasing("elastic(1, 0.5)") // ["0, -0.005 32.4%, 0.006 40.5%, 0.034 51.4%, 0.033 56.8%, 0.022, 0.003, -0.026 64.9%, -0.185 75.7%, -0.204, -0.195, -0.146, -0.05, 0.1 89.2%, 1", ...]

    Returns readonly [string, number]

    // A string with the values that represent said spring animation using the linear-easing function
    // Total duration (in milliseconds) required to create a smooth spring animation
    "0, 0.583 5.4%, 0.669, 0.601, 0.502, 0.451, 0.457 18.9%, 0.512 24.3%, 0.516 27%, ...0.417 94.6%, 1",

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