Type alias TypeEasingOptions

TypeEasingOptions: {
    decimal?: number;
    easing?: TypeEasings;
    numPoints?: number;

Spring Easing has 3 properties they are easing (all spring frame functions are supported), numPoints (the size of the Array the frmae function should create), and decimal (the number of decimal places of the values within said Array).

Properties Default Value
easing spring(1, 100, 10, 0)
numPoints 50
decimal 3

Type declaration

  • Optional decimal?: number
  • Optional easing?: TypeEasings

    By default, Spring Easing support easings in the form,

    constant accelerate decelerate accelerate-decelerate decelerate-accelerate
    spring / spring-in spring-out spring-in-out spring-out-in

    All Spring easing's can be configured using theses parameters,

    "spring-*(mass, stiffness, damping, velocity)" or [SpringOutFrame, mass, stiffness, damping, velocity]

    Each parameter comes with these defaults

    Parameter Default Value
    mass 1
    stiffness 100
    damping 10
    velocity 0
  • Optional numPoints?: number

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